An Apple a Day Keeps Unhappy Customers Away

Apple's decision to lower its prices only two months after the release of the iPhone was most likely a strategic communications ploy to move the iPhone out of the hands of the early adopters that would snatch it up just have the latest new touch-screen phone into the hands of more wallet-conscious consumers. Unfortunately Apple failed to take into account the recent events of the time into its communication strategy and it ended up beginning the start of a pattern it still performs today, albeit more covertly. Apple didn't realize that once consumers got word that their self-interest was involved in the lowering of the iPhone prices, they were none too happy at being at Apple's mercy with their products. However, Steve Jobs' excellent PR move to give customers who had already bought the phone at full price a $100 credit did well to restore customer satisfaction. Apple's advertising and previous PR strategies of communicating their message of dedication to customer service was received well by the public. Whether or not Apple's move was in the interest of their customers doesn't matter because they will still believe that should they ever become disgruntled again, they know how to get the ball rolling at Apple.


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